
Our Vision for the Future

At CARA, we believe in the theme,
“Until every cage is empty.”

But no matter how many we and others rescue, we know that promise can never be fulfilled if many thousands of unwanted dogs and cats are born in our state every year.

So as we look to the future, our mission must grow to include changing hearts and minds so that Mississippi can end this tragic cycle.

Other states have had great success in drastically reducing their number of unwanted animals. It won’t be easy, but with animals dying from sickness, neglect or being euthanized each day, we can’t look away.

That’s why, over the next few years, we plan to expand our low-cost spay/neuter options to more people and places to help reduce the population of unwanted animals.

And we will significantly increase our focus on educating communities on topics such as pet healthcare and responsible ownership.

Our 5-year plan also includes moving CARA to a new facility that is both better for our animals and more welcoming for outreach and education.

The building on Flag Chapel Road has served us well, but our animals deserve modern climate control, less noise and a calmer, cleaner environment.

And our outreach mission requires comfortable facilities for school kids, families, community organizations and other animal welfare partners.

We are still in the early stages of development, and will share progress here as often as we can.

© 2021 CARA
Community Animal Rescue
and Adoption, Inc.

Physical Address:
960 N. Flag Chapel Road
Jackson, MS 39209

Mailing/Donation Address:
P.O. Box 231
Clinton, MS 39060